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Livraria CLEO 4.3.20

LINK ORIGINAL: http://migre.me/sSzOf

Última versão ( 4.3.20 ) Atualizada dia 13/04/15
Corrigido um erro ao chamar uma função do script (corrige crashes em alguns mods)
Nova versão do SDK

Inicialmente desenvolvida por pelo russo "Seemann" em 24/03/07 (Project CLEO), Este projeto atualmente volta para corrigir certos problemas gerados no desenvolvimento e em breve, quem sabe, chegaremos na CLEO 5!

Pontos fortes da nova versão da CLEO:

Diferente da CLEO 4.1, nunca mais terá bugs dos quadrados brancos na tela caso usar 2 mods que adicionam imagens ao mesmo tempo.
Vários crashes e bugs corrigidos. Os novos mods criados usarão estes benefícios e correções da livraria nos scripts, portanto cuidado em usar mods novos com CLEO 4.1, os novos podem funcionar somente na CLEO 4.3 (em vários casos).
Várias outras compatibilidades (evitando que 2 mods que fazem mesma ação acabem dando bugs ao jogo).

Clique aqui para ver os mods do blog (cleo é o ponto forte deste blog)
Clique aqui para aprender a fazer mods cleos, é difícil, meses de estudo ok?
Clique aqui para aprender mais sobre instalar mods e solucionar Problemas com o GTA SA
Clique aqui para aprender a relatar crashes e assim nós podermos te ajudar nas soluções, no caso, envie nos comentários o scrlog.log e/ou modloader.log quando tiver algum crash no jogo, ok?
Qualquer problema que você encontrar na CLEO 4.3 mas funcionar na CLEO 4.1, Avise!
Lembre-se, alguns mods como Stream INI Extender e Skin Selector precisam ser renomeados de .cs pra .cs3 pra funcionar (modo de compatibilidade) 

Como instalar (iniciantes):
Instale na pasta do seu GTA (já vem com instalador).
Originalmente a pasta do GTA SA fica em "Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas", mas eu recomendo sempre que mova a pasta do jogo para os Documents para evitar problemas com a instalação e com o funcionamento dos futuros mods.
Depois de instalar, vá na pasta do seu GTA, terá uma pasta com nome "CLEO". Se não tiver, você vai precisar mover a pasta do jogo para os Documents como dito acima ou então iniciar o instalador da cleo em modo de administrador (botão direito no .exe).
Tendo a pasta CLEO instalada no GTA, basta baixar os mods cleo do jogo e instalar normalmente como dito no leiame.txt de cada um deles.

Verificando se sua cleo está bem instalada:
Para o bom funcionamento da livraria cleo, tem que ter: CLEO.asi na pasta raiz (junto com o gta_sa.exe ou outro .exe do GTA), uma pasta com nome "CLEO", e dentro desta pasta ter vários arquivos de formato ".cleo". Se não está assim, reinstale como dito acima.
Lembrando que a CLEO só funciona com Asi Loader instalado (já vem incluído na instalação da cleo).

CLEO 1, 2 e 3: Seemann
CLEO 4: Alien
CLEO 4.3: Deji

Listener (Pela bela exploração no universo GTA)
NTAuthority e LINK/2012(BMS) (Pela ajuda com a CLEO 4.3)
Instalação automática - Inclui Silent's ASI Loader
Atualmente, vem com o Silent's ASI Loader 1.2, enquanto a última versão é 1.3, ENTÃO DESMARQUE O ASI LOADER, e/ou instale depois a última versão clicando aqui

Que tal aprender mais sobre a CLEO e ler a história? sobre CLEO 1, CLEO 2 etc
Clique aqui para ver esta curiosidade

Abra o post para ver a lista completa de novidades desde a CLEO 4.3
(Change Log em inglês)

       CLEO 4
     Change Log

-- 4.3.19-20 --

* Fixed issue with 0AB1 passing incorrect variable scope in missions

* Updated SDK version

-- 4.3.17-18 --

* Fixed potential future problem with 0AB0 which used methods with undefined behaviour
* Fixed incorrect method used for 0AB7

-- 4.3.16 --

* Fixed bugs with CLEO saves when saved scripts ended
* Prevented crashing when invalid audiostream handles are used

-- 4.3.15 --

* Improvemed compatibility fix for opcodes 0AE1, 0AE2 and 0AE3 with incorrect find_next usage

-- 4.3.14 --

* Fixed 0AAA only returning custom scripts
* Fixed many things which use the 'SCM Block' or 'Mission Local Storage' space
* Fixed parameters being passed to script local storage instead of mission local storage through 0A94
* Fixed potential problems with iteration through the script queues (may cause rare and hard to trace bugs)

-- 4.3.13 --

* Fixed crashing when starting a new game after a game has already started with CLEO scripts installed
* Possibly fixed other issues with starting a game with CLEO scripts installed

-- --

* Un-did the 'Scripts no longer load prematurely' fix as it caused scripts to not load certain circumstances (like before CLEO 4)
* Included 'cleo_text' folder in installation

-- 4.3.12 --

* Fixed string parameter skipping in 'SkipOpcodeParams' used by CLEO plugins
* 0AC8 now returns a NULL value to the output var if allocation failed (as it did before 4.3a)
* 0AC9 now checks the memory was allocated by 0AC8 before attempting to free it
* FXT references are now case insensitive (as they were before 4.3a)
* File operations now check the input handle isn't null (as it seems was the way before 4.3a)
* 'Loaded mission' status now reset on new/loaded game (as it was before 4.3a)
* Scripts no longer load prematurely (like before 4.3a)
* Resolved conflicts with other menu hooks such as 'HUME'
* Other minor tweaks

-- 4.3.11 --

* Fixed crash with 0ADA in scripts beginning with an opcode ending in '00'

-- 4.3.10 --

* Improvements to opcodes 0AE1, 0AE2 and 0AE3 - now loops around the pool even when the 'find_next' flag isn't used correctly
* Fixed 0AD2 not returning peds targetted with the mouse, while targetting with a pad worked

-- 4.3.9 --

* Will now be able to start a CLEO mission after recently finishing a standard mission
* Will no longer error & terminate when scripts fail to open and instead simply log the error
* Will no longer terminate on warnings
* No longer includes paths in automatically generated script names (e.g. cleo\dir\demo.cs is now named 'demo.cs' and not 'dir\dem')
* Improved handling of script load errors

-- 4.3.8 --

* Fixed crash which would occur when missions were ended with 004E

-- 4.3.7 --

* Custom missions launched by CLEO scripts now inherit their compatibility mode - possibly fixing incompatibilities with mods using custom missions
* The current directory set by 0A99 is now script-dependant and only affects running CLEO scripts (not the entire game or the main.scm)
* Text and texture/sprite draws are now script-dependant (doesn't affect main.scm scripts)

-- 4.3 --

* Replaced code which dynamically allocated and deallocated memory for script parameters every time 0AA5-0AA8 were called with static arrays
* Removed a script execution loop replacement which wasn't used for anything important and weirdly only worked with 1.0US that caused crashes with script logging plugins
* Added support for Steam (v3) versions of gta_sa.exe
* Prevented the local storage from being initialized in SCM functions when the script is in CLEO 3 compatibility mode ('.cs3' extension)

* Updates to behaviour of following opcodes:

CHANGE_DIRECTORY can now correctly change to the program directory

OPEN_FILE now uses a 'legacy' mode when passing an integer as the mode parameter for compatibility of CLEO file handles and SA file handles
Note that you should really not pass CLEO file handles to game functions. However, this legacy mode now ensures that the handles are compatible.
Other file functions have also been updated ensuring that game file handles are passed to relevant game functions.
It is recommended to not rely on passing files to game functions and instead use CLEO 4's in-built file functions in future.

CALL now accepts string input, which is passed as a string pointer following string convention

SCAN_STRING now returns a condition result

FIND_FIRST_FILE now accepts string array output

FIND_ALL_RANDOM_OBJECTS_IN_SPHERE now ensures no fading objects are returned and returns -1 instead of 0 on failure

FIND_ALL_RANDOM_CARS_IN_SPHERE now ensures no script vehicles or fading vehicle are returned and returns -1 instead of 0 on failure

FIND_ALL_RANDOM_CHARS_IN_SPHERE now ensures no script characters or fading characters are returned and returns -1 instead of 0 on failure

ADD_TEXT_LABEL now updates existing text labels if they already exist

IS_END_OF_FILE_REACHED now returns true if a file error occured

GET_CHAR_PLAYER_IS_TARGETING now returns -1 instead of 0 when no target is found

STORE_CLOSEST_ENTITIES now ensures no script entities or fading entities are returned and ensures the player ped is not returned
